Closure of Omega Centre Ceramics Studio

This page is to provide as much information as possible about the closure of the Omega Centre Ceramics Studio.

Membership: All membership fees have been switched to fee-free. Please cancel your current memberships and sign up again. We will cancel all paid memberships at the end of October.


Thursday 17th Oct

Final glaze firing - priority will go to the largest volume of glazed items be it EW; cone 5-6 or cone 8-9.
Any remaining items can either be picked up and fired elsewhere or could be transported to Gosport to glaze fire. Once fired, they can be picked up either from Gosport or the Guildhall.

Sat 19th – Sun 20th Oct

Kiln room and shed to be cleared of rubbish

The studio and downstairs room will be open for picking up ceramic work

Saturday 19th Oct

Last members session

Thursday 24th Oct

Last bisque firing (any items not dry enough for firing can either be picked up and fired elsewhere or transported to Gosport to bisque fire. They can then be picked up either from Gosport or from the Guildhall)

Sat 26th – Sun 27th Oct

The studio and the downstairs room will be open for picking up ceramic work

Everything will need to be moved out of the studio or downstairs room by 29th October

Items for firing will not be transported to Gosport for firing unless formally agreed, and any items left in the studio after 30th October will be disposed of.